Tuesday, April 28, 2009

God has freed us from our sins, so do you still feel guilt?

Glory to God in the highest for freeing all of us from our evils. Glory to Him for snatching us out of the entanglements of our addictions and thorns of our wrong doings.

You who have accepted Jesus Christ as your King and have repented of your nightmarish evils are now free. Yet how is it that so many of us Christians, both young and old, still feel guilt for the crimes we've done in the past. Do you all not know that the moment you asked Christ to come into your heart and rescue you, that you were redeemed from whatever evil you have done in the past? Don't you all know that the torture Jesus Christ suffered on the cross was so that your crimes could be erased permanently? When you asked Him to, Christ came into your that very moment. And not only that, but you also became an inheritor of His glory. This is the God we now worship(The God of Abraham/Elohim). He is a God who wants to share His kingdom with us. We have all either killed, stolen, hated, blasphemed, cheated, etc. All of us have done it. But this is why God suffered torment in our place.

If we say we are still guilty of crimes that we asked the Lord to free us from, then we insult God's suffering at the cross. Jesus Christ never died in vain. So let's start acting like it. You are free. Your sins and transgressions have been eradicated, washed clean, and erased. They have been burned off and incinerated better than any medical disinfectant. Your former vices and Adam's vices, no longer travel with you. Instead the Lord's glory, beauty, love, and protection now walk along side you. Let no deception from the devil or from man tell you otherwise.

The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.
Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying.
But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.

Roman Chapter 13: 12-14

Why trust the predictions of the Mayan Calendar?

In the past few years since September 11th, many people have been abuzz about ancient fortunetellers and writings that claim to have predicted the end of the world. Lately everyone has suddenly flocked to this legend of the Mayan Calendar. According to this Mayan Calendar it predicts the world will end in 2012. Now there are several problems I have with this here. But my main problem is seeing other Christians listen and believe what this Mayan Calendar says. A Christian should know better because, in matters such as these, we are supposed to get our orders from the Lord only.

The thing about the predictions in the ancient Mayan Calendar was that the source where they got these predictions from was from everywhere EXCEPT the Holy Spirit. Which means that the Mayan high priests and astrologers who got their prophecies, got them from familiar spirits(veiled demons) whom they called their rain-gods or sun-gods.

There are a few things you can always be sure that a familiar spirit will do: It will lie to you, it will trick you, and it will usually be very intelligently cunning. And familiar spirits were usually the dictators to all these ancient pagan high priests, whether they were in ancient Egypt, Canaan, or the Mayan Empire.

There is a huge vast difference from getting your information from the right source; the Holy Ghost, and getting your information from the wrong source; familiar spirits. We have to understand, when we connect to the true Spirit of God (the Holy Spirit) we do it by things like prayer, fasting, faith, trust, obedience and love. However when the ancient Mayan priests wanted to connect to the spirit world, they would do so by human sacrifice or human blood offerings----and this is the source where many of you (some Christians included) are trusting in! The reason why so many people listen to these familiar spirits is because they give enough truth but just a little bit of lies to thus throw you far off course.

As Christians we should have no need for anything from a familiar spirit. There were a couple of apostles traveling and administering to far off lands. Along with them followed a girl who had a familiar spirit possessing her from inside. Everywhere these apostles went and everytime they were about to do something, this girl with the familiar spirit would predict their action. Finally one of the apostles got sick of it and ordered the familiar spirit to come out and get away from this little girl. Even though this unclean familiar spirit was predicting exactly who or what the apostles were, the apostles knew that as men of the Lord they had NO need of demons or devils for information. The apostles knew that although this familiar spirit in this poor girl had it's predictions correct, that pretty soon the familiar spirit was going to start to say faulty predictions in order to lead people around the apostles astray. And these apostles were wise men of the Lord and they weren't going to have satan's doctrine mixed in with the Lord's pure doctrine.

So if the Mayans are wrong then how will we know what will happen in 2012?

Jesus Christ once said that of the hour no man knows except for God Himself. So no man, angel or familiar spirit knows except for God. But never the less the good Lord has given plenty of forewarnings for us all in His word.

Here it is in a nutshell. Everyone is expecting for the world to suddenly blow up---it won't happen like that. But there will be wars, disasters, and destruction like which we have never seen before. In these times there will be many fake-Christs who rise up and will trick many; even some of the elect. And many have already risen up. When wars have wrecked the planet a fake-christ will rise up and offer peace. Because this fake-christ or antichrist will be able to make peace and even preform miracles, many people will start to trust him.

One of the most horrible things he will do is brand people with his mark, which is labeled in the Bible as being 666. Of course with today's technology such a feat can easily be done with micro-chipping or barcodes. Along with satellite surveillance, government registration, and GPS, monitoring people around the world can be relatively easy. This mark that this antichrist brands people with automatically make them his property. Once this happens those unfortunate enough to be deceived will be set up for hell. But people will trust him because he offers everyone a false sense of security with his branding. Plus no one without this mark will be able to buy or sell anymore. Commerce will be frozen without it.

Just when everyone trust this great deceiver the antichrist will alas show his true colors. This man will be far more evil than any tyrant in history. More than Nero, more than Hitler, more than Stalin, more than Kruschev, more than Bin Laden; this man will be responsible for, perhaps, billions dead. He will finally commit desolation by erecting a statue of himself in the Lord's temple.

This fake-christ will also be very arrogant. There will come a time where he will be able to lead the largest army in history against the Son of God Himself. You see during the return of the Real Christ, the fake-christ will think all his tanks and aircraft will be able to harm a spiritual being like Jesus. When this happens the antichrist or fake-christ gets taken and tossed into hell alive. As for his army, everyone who raised their rifle against the Lord in that area will be annihilated. There's actually a phrase in the Bible that says something to effect that the birds and vultures will get full from all the slain soldiers of the antichrist's army.

The thing is that this great army that the antichrist tries to bring against Jesus's return, all get slain by just Jesus Christ Himself. So apparently even though Jesus Christ has His own army of Heaven, He doesn't really need it to fight because He fights the entire battle singlehandedly! How's that for skill and power...

What should you do?

You and me must be vigilant for when this time comes. You have to work without ceasing for the Lord, because you want to be found doing the Lord's will when He comes. Confess Him to one more person, spread that one more word. That's how He knows His sheep. The time for being lukewarm or moderate is over. Put on the spiritual armor of God right this moment.

The New Age is not your friend!

Jesus Christ was the worlds greatest liberator. He didn't just free select nations or peoples; He freed the entire human race from the bondage of hell. But Satan is the opposite. He wants everyone enslaved. How is one way Satan schemes to deceive the world into bondage? Well for one we see that he has people bringing about a New World Order. Some of these elites in finance and politics are called “Luciferians”. Take a look at families like Rothchilds and the Rockerfellers who control vast amounts of wealth. Take a look at these banks who are now becoming centralized and who are starting to run entire nations around the globe. The secret few are now ruling the many. And even these elite few are being deceived by the king of all lies.

But our enemy the devil doesn't just want forceful means of enslavement, frequently in the Bible you see Satan try to use mental and spiritual means of beguiling people into evil. And one way he is doing it now is by introducing something called the “New Age” religion. A religion which promotes self worship.

What is the “New Age” deception? Well a bulk of it is people who think they are gods and want to worship themselves as gods. When we read the story of Eve in the Garden of Eden, the one thing that the serpent told her to get her to disobey God was that “if you eat of the fruit you will be as gods”. It was a deception that originally led man into destruction. Now Satan and his pawns are trying to bring back that same deception today.

The New Age started its rise around the 1960s. The 1960s was a tumultuous time where everyone was either protesting, rebelling against old time values, and experimenting with all forms of drugs from marijuana to acid. But most of all, people started bringing over eastern religions which gave rise to all these spiritual gurus. Next thing to happen was we had this flower power generation start to experiment in New Age stuff as well. And one of the deceptions they were taught was to worship themselves as gods and that were gods themselves. This was the exact same deception that the serpent told Eve.

This movement started to spread even further with rocks stars of the time who also converted to New Age religions. Jim Morrison of the Doors was one. Beetles rocks star John Lennon was another. Young kids and fans for years would watch their rock heroes suddenly endorse these dangerous practices and they would follow right along with them. Even after John Lennon was killed, people worship him to this day. Not only that, but they also worship his New Age ideals and songs. Apparently these people knew that song and music was an easy way to get into peoples heads and make them follow what you want.

Evil always shows its face and the New Age was no exception. By the time the 70s rolled around, New Age cults started to spring up. These cults really showed how terrible the New Age can be. These groups would lure people in one minute and in a little while you would hear news reports about someone committing suicide. I believe there even was one popular New Age cult which did this mass suicide a few decades ago. What occurred is that their leader made them all drink kool-aid and they all ended up dropping dead. But these are the wages of the New Age, nothing but death and mind control.

The New Age movement is of Satan, it comes from our enemy. The Bible says the devil wants to murder everyone, he wants everyone dead. And all these poor people who were victims of these various New Age cults and ideals got their lives destroyed. They either ended up with drug addictions, a warped mind, and in these worse cases, they committed suicide. All because they wanted to worship themselves as god. When a person worships himself as god, he becomes a slave unto himself. Because his flesh will always desire more and more and more until he implodes or explodes. This means that this self-worshiping person will always want more drugs. He will never get enough drugs and will constantly want his next quick fix until the day he over doses. The self-worshiping person won't have any restraint over how much sex they have or how dangerous it will be. They don't mind having sex with multiple partners in one week or having it with the same gender. If we look at the start of the 80s where people started having an abundance of sex and drugs, pretty soon they ended up having AIDS. And until people started addressing the root of the problem, it went on the rise.

But this all just an example of what happens with the idea of worshiping yourself as a god. The Lord said that the wages of sin is death and one of the most blasphemous sin is desolation.

New Age rearing its ugly head again

It's the world's most oldest deception and its making a big comeback too. In 2009 the average person obviously won't listen to some talking snake with legs. But the average person in 2009 WILL listen to their favorite celebrities. And there are plenty of celebrities who have their face up on TV who preach the New Age. Right now I'm sure there are millions of our wives across the country who are getting lured into New Age self-worship everytime they watch Oprah Winfrey. Oprah has a high rated, nationally televised show. And on it she sometimes talks about nurturing your “inner self”. Oprah even went as far as making courses and books like “the New Earth” which teaches their women listeners that they have to rely on themselves for salvation; that they are their own god. Oprah even said herself that she doesn't believe Jesus Christ is the way.

So the New Age is making a big comeback in the new millennium. But instead of using hippie spiritual gurus, drugs or cults, the New Age is now using popular celebrities. Once again it is a means of ensnarement. The devil doesn't always appear in front of you as a horrible monster. Many times Satan will come to you as an angel of light, a handsome man, or a pretty woman. When the serpent came to Eve, he came to her singing pretty songs and lovely melodies. When Satan came to Jesus Christ in the desert, he came to the Lord offering all the kingdoms of the earth. But the devil does all this to trick our eyes from his true intentions. The same thing goes for the New Age. The New Age is there to beguile us with pretty celebrity faces to lure us into destruction. The New Age garbage lures people in with pretty lies of being your own god and indulging in anything you want; then before you know it, you end up like one of these cults. The devil is a con-artist, plain and simple.

The forces behind the modern push for the New Age

Now that this deception is returning, especially to us in America, people fail to see some of the original backers of this scheme. For example the New Age idea of worshiping yourself as your own god was the foundation principle in the Satanic Bible, written by head satanist Anton Lavey. And even he got that from a woman named Ann Rand. She totally hated the concept of God or worshiping the one true God. She was an atheist who worshiped herself.

But at the forefront of the modern New Age movement was perhaps the most evilest man in the world, Aleister Crowley. He perhaps the most popular author for the idea of “do as you will and be your own god”. This man, Aleister Crowley was frequently said to be to the Antichrist what John the Baptist was to Jesus Christ. This guy ritually murdered over a hundred young boys a year when he was living in Scotland. When he got older there was a picture of him with the number 666 tattooed on his forehead. He had all sorts of degrees in Freemasonry and was a top figure for this shadow globalist order that we are all hearing about now. And what men like Crowley are preaching are no different from what our wives and mothers are hearing on Oprah.

Escape the New Age

We need to escape from this stuff. Because there is going to be a time where this New World Order is going to try to get rid of all us people who believe in the truth of Jesus is Lord. Persecution of people who follow Jesus Christ and the true God is not such a foreign concept. This kind of stuff is happened all over in communist countries. It happened in the Soviet Union, China, and is even going on now in the Middle East. And once the globalists get their one world government then they're going to establish the New Age, or self-worship, as the only religion for everyone. See the coming globalists order wants us only worshiping ourselves in order to distance us from God.

Why is this? Because Satan wants everyone at a point where they are as far away from God as possible. Our enemy the devil knows that once we are away from God, then he can slip in and cause a ruckus.

My advice would be to fall to your knees and make God the God of your life. Make Jesus the Lord of your life Throw out those books or charms or thinking that you picked up from the New Age. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you the truth. Most of all make Jesus your king and not yourself. If you want to see real perfection then you just look at the example the Lord left behind. God is the most high for a reason. When you pursue a path of ever increasing height and greatness then you are constantly reforming yourself greater and greater. And the Lord is that path of ever increasing greatness. We need to stop worshiping ourselves because we as humans can only get so big until there's no room to grow. The only God worthy of any sort of worship is the God who rules heaven. None other will do except for Him.

Pornography: Is this evil really as insurmountable as it looks?

Let me first just say that no matter how much pornography you have accumulated or how much you have become dependent on it, you can get rid of it all in a day if you wanted to. I speak from experience. Granted that pornography is a harder evil to quit than alcohol abuse, drugs, or smoking, but you would be surprised at just how rapidly the Holy Spirit can eradicate these evil strongholds in your life.

So there I am; grieved by how much footholds the enemy had in my life with pornography. There was so much collected from over the years from DVDs to magazines to over 900GB stored on a hard drive. It seemed like no matter where I walked there was one evil stronghold to keep me under. In light of seeing constant prophetic videos on how a person must remove all sin in their life in order to see the Lord's kingdom, it really demoralized me to have all these bonds dragging me down into hell.

It got so bad that at a time I would start making excuses to keep these evil things around. I would say “I'll just lock them up in a corner” or “I'll just keep them around so I don't have a desire to go out and get more, because I'll already have these”. Yet it clearly says if you right hand causes you to sin or transgress, then cut it off. It was clear what the Lord wanted. He wanted me to be holy as He is holy.

So there I stood looking at the lists of countless folders full of pornography on my hard drive---looking at all these things that have made me a slave to them for so long. Then I thought to myself, “You know what? It would be so easy. I can destroy all these today.” When the Lord said to us that He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world, He was serious. While I was rolling the mouse in my hand I alas said “It's time---I'm going to do it”. Withing a few minutes one of my life's greatest demonic strongholds went away like dust in the wind! I realized that all this time the Holy Spirit gave me more power in the 2 fingers I used to click “delete” with than all these demons had with the strongholds they set up in my life. Greater is He who is in me than He who is in the world....

You see your flesh is the enemy. Your flesh is what feeds off of stuff like pornography or the other strongholds that people have. This is why the Lord was telling us to deny ourself and take up the cross. He meant we had to reject the carnal hunger of our fleshy bodies in exchange for doing what the Lord wants in the spirit. In a nutshell what every human really is, is an eternal spirit housed inside of a temporary body. It is only logical that the eternal portion of a man be nurtured and advanced more than that of the temporary part.

Think, when classical builders made cathedrals and buildings, they didn't put more effort in the temporary wooden scaffoldings. They put all their effort and perfection into the making of the actual stone structures. The scaffoldings that they put around the building during construction time was just there to help build the actual construction itself. After the construction was done, the wooden scaffolds and platforms would be taken down.

And this is how a human being is. Once his mortal body withers away or dies, only his immortal soul and spirit will remain. The Lord will want to see the actual construction of your spirit in the time of judgment. He will want to see how well you constructed your eternal parts. God will not care about how well you fed the temporary wooden scaffolds that were your body. He will say your body has already withered away, so what have you done to build to the honor of My Glory and My Spirit? And as long as we are held under by pornography and other strongholds that feed our carnal flesh, we cannot build on our spirit to God.

The Ugly Side of Porn

Sometimes I only wish that people addicted to pornography actually saw the ugliness that goes on behind the curtain of pornography. If only they knew the truth, they would be turned off from it for good! Usually when we view these adult films we don't realize that many of these actresses were raped or abused as children. Somebody they trusted as a kid betrayed them and made them feel as though they were worthless or guilty. This is why when you hear about those abused child cases that they grow up with backward mental conditioning. Children are very impressionable and they digest information very deeply. So when someone with a perverted heart rapes or molests them, they end up having their mentality and soul shattered. It is perhaps one of the most awful things to do to a human being.

When they go into pornography it's like they've been duped into prostitution. According to former porn actress Shelly Luben, these movie shoots have drugs on demand. There's everything from Crystal Meth to Cocaine to Marijuana that they use to keep these actresses high and in tune. During these movies actresses might menstruate, defecate, or urinate during a scene. A former porn actress once said that a waste basket would be full of used cloths covered in the actresses blood or feces. But we people viewing these dirty films don't see that because all we want to see is the finished edited product.

A pornstar's life isn't one of constant pleasure. Usually they either have to get high or drunk to wear off the anxieties they experience. Some of them want to leave the business but see no way out and it depresses them. For the most part they are terrified of contracting HIV or AIDS---and many porn actresses have contracted these viruses. Imagine living in such insecurity and depression added to the nightmares of sexual abuse from the past---this is what these poor people have to go through. They are just seen as cashcows to the pornographers and objects to the viewers.

It pains me when I hear of how so many of these actresses and actors meet a tragic end. There was the story of one porn actress back in the mid 90s that got into a car accident that severely cut up her face. When she believed this would ruin her very livelihood, she killed herself with a gun. Probably the worst deaths of porn actresses happened when two women, I used to watch a lot when I was a teen, died around my birthday. The first one killed herself, like the previous one mentioned, by a self inflicted gunshot wound. The second actually was able to make it out of the porn industry but never the less died in a car accident. When I hear these stories I sometimes think, “did these women have a chance to repent, or to fall on their knees and cry out to Jesus for help”? Or did these poor women just kill themselves or die while in the midst of despair? Looks like to some of us now, porn isn't a laughing matter anymore!

Break Free

I ask you, the fellow viewer and purchaser of such films to consider these things before you indulge in this filth. We should send a message by not buying or financially supporting the makers of these films. We should not support the destruction of the lives of these women and girls. Whatever collection you already have should be deleted or burned. You don't need that stronghold in your life and despite what the enemy tells you, you can get rid of it cold turkey. All you need to do is one thing---come unto the Lord and ask Him for help and to deliver you. There is a way out and the door is open next to you.

The Lord Himself said, He came into the world not to condemn it but to save it. And He wants to save you right now from pornography. Jesus won't complain at how you took so long or how you only came to Him in trouble; Jesus will welcome you with open arms. All He wants it for you to come to Him. He will free you....