Jesus Christ was the worlds greatest liberator. He didn't just free select nations or peoples; He freed the entire human race from the bondage of hell. But Satan is the opposite. He wants everyone enslaved. How is one way Satan schemes to deceive the world into bondage? Well for one we see that he has people bringing about a New World Order. Some of these elites in finance and politics are called “Luciferians”. Take a look at families like Rothchilds and the Rockerfellers who control vast amounts of wealth. Take a look at these banks who are now becoming centralized and who are starting to run entire nations around the globe. The secret few are now ruling the many. And even these elite few are being deceived by the king of all lies.
But our enemy the devil doesn't just want forceful means of enslavement, frequently in the Bible you see Satan try to use mental and spiritual means of beguiling people into evil. And one way he is doing it now is by introducing something called the “New Age” religion. A religion which promotes self worship.
What is the “New Age” deception? Well a bulk of it is people who think they are gods and want to worship themselves as gods. When we read the story of Eve in the Garden of Eden, the one thing that the serpent told her to get her to disobey God was that “if you eat of the fruit you will be as gods”. It was a deception that originally led man into destruction. Now Satan and his pawns are trying to bring back that same deception today.
The New Age started its rise around the 1960s. The 1960s was a tumultuous time where everyone was either protesting, rebelling against old time values, and experimenting with all forms of drugs from marijuana to acid. But most of all, people started bringing over eastern religions which gave rise to all these spiritual gurus. Next thing to happen was we had this flower power generation start to experiment in New Age stuff as well. And one of the deceptions they were taught was to worship themselves as gods and that were gods themselves. This was the exact same deception that the serpent told Eve.
This movement started to spread even further with rocks stars of the time who also converted to New Age religions. Jim Morrison of the Doors was one. Beetles rocks star John Lennon was another. Young kids and fans for years would watch their rock heroes suddenly endorse these dangerous practices and they would follow right along with them. Even after John Lennon was killed, people worship him to this day. Not only that, but they also worship his New Age ideals and songs. Apparently these people knew that song and music was an easy way to get into peoples heads and make them follow what you want.
Evil always shows its face and the New Age was no exception. By the time the 70s rolled around, New Age cults started to spring up. These cults really showed how terrible the New Age can be. These groups would lure people in one minute and in a little while you would hear news reports about someone committing suicide. I believe there even was one popular New Age cult which did this mass suicide a few decades ago. What occurred is that their leader made them all drink kool-aid and they all ended up dropping dead. But these are the wages of the New Age, nothing but death and mind control.
The New Age movement is of Satan, it comes from our enemy. The Bible says the devil wants to murder everyone, he wants everyone dead. And all these poor people who were victims of these various New Age cults and ideals got their lives destroyed. They either ended up with drug addictions, a warped mind, and in these worse cases, they committed suicide. All because they wanted to worship themselves as god. When a person worships himself as god, he becomes a slave unto himself. Because his flesh will always desire more and more and more until he implodes or explodes. This means that this self-worshiping person will always want more drugs. He will never get enough drugs and will constantly want his next quick fix until the day he over doses. The self-worshiping person won't have any restraint over how much sex they have or how dangerous it will be. They don't mind having sex with multiple partners in one week or having it with the same gender. If we look at the start of the 80s where people started having an abundance of sex and drugs, pretty soon they ended up having AIDS. And until people started addressing the root of the problem, it went on the rise.
But this all just an example of what happens with the idea of worshiping yourself as a god. The Lord said that the wages of sin is death and one of the most blasphemous sin is desolation.
New Age rearing its ugly head again
It's the world's most oldest deception and its making a big comeback too. In 2009 the average person obviously won't listen to some talking snake with legs. But the average person in 2009 WILL listen to their favorite celebrities. And there are plenty of celebrities who have their face up on TV who preach the New Age. Right now I'm sure there are millions of our wives across the country who are getting lured into New Age self-worship everytime they watch Oprah Winfrey. Oprah has a high rated, nationally televised show. And on it she sometimes talks about nurturing your “inner self”. Oprah even went as far as making courses and books like “the New Earth” which teaches their women listeners that they have to rely on themselves for salvation; that they are their own god. Oprah even said herself that she doesn't believe Jesus Christ is the way.
So the New Age is making a big comeback in the new millennium. But instead of using hippie spiritual gurus, drugs or cults, the New Age is now using popular celebrities. Once again it is a means of ensnarement. The devil doesn't always appear in front of you as a horrible monster. Many times Satan will come to you as an angel of light, a handsome man, or a pretty woman. When the serpent came to Eve, he came to her singing pretty songs and lovely melodies. When Satan came to Jesus Christ in the desert, he came to the Lord offering all the kingdoms of the earth. But the devil does all this to trick our eyes from his true intentions. The same thing goes for the New Age. The New Age is there to beguile us with pretty celebrity faces to lure us into destruction. The New Age garbage lures people in with pretty lies of being your own god and indulging in anything you want; then before you know it, you end up like one of these cults. The devil is a con-artist, plain and simple.
The forces behind the modern push for the New Age
Now that this deception is returning, especially to us in America, people fail to see some of the original backers of this scheme. For example the New Age idea of worshiping yourself as your own god was the foundation principle in the Satanic Bible, written by head satanist Anton Lavey. And even he got that from a woman named Ann Rand. She totally hated the concept of God or worshiping the one true God. She was an atheist who worshiped herself.
But at the forefront of the modern New Age movement was perhaps the most evilest man in the world, Aleister Crowley. He perhaps the most popular author for the idea of “do as you will and be your own god”. This man, Aleister Crowley was frequently said to be to the Antichrist what John the Baptist was to Jesus Christ. This guy ritually murdered over a hundred young boys a year when he was living in Scotland. When he got older there was a picture of him with the number 666 tattooed on his forehead. He had all sorts of degrees in Freemasonry and was a top figure for this shadow globalist order that we are all hearing about now. And what men like Crowley are preaching are no different from what our wives and mothers are hearing on Oprah.
Escape the New Age
We need to escape from this stuff. Because there is going to be a time where this New World Order is going to try to get rid of all us people who believe in the truth of Jesus is Lord. Persecution of people who follow Jesus Christ and the true God is not such a foreign concept. This kind of stuff is happened all over in communist countries. It happened in the Soviet Union, China, and is even going on now in the Middle East. And once the globalists get their one world government then they're going to establish the New Age, or self-worship, as the only religion for everyone. See the coming globalists order wants us only worshiping ourselves in order to distance us from God.
Why is this? Because Satan wants everyone at a point where they are as far away from God as possible. Our enemy the devil knows that once we are away from God, then he can slip in and cause a ruckus.
My advice would be to fall to your knees and make God the God of your life. Make Jesus the Lord of your life Throw out those books or charms or thinking that you picked up from the New Age. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you the truth. Most of all make Jesus your king and not yourself. If you want to see real perfection then you just look at the example the Lord left behind. God is the most high for a reason. When you pursue a path of ever increasing height and greatness then you are constantly reforming yourself greater and greater. And the Lord is that path of ever increasing greatness. We need to stop worshiping ourselves because we as humans can only get so big until there's no room to grow. The only God worthy of any sort of worship is the God who rules heaven. None other will do except for Him.