Who are we to see or fully understand the Lord's face? Understood there might be a few people who are interested in knowing more about what the Lord is all about, whether you are a believer or not. To follow up the previous writing here are a few descriptions of the many cups the Lord easily fills. In a day and age where everyone is searching for a leader and the truth, we need not look any further than Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
A Father to the fatherless
A Parent to the orphan
A Rescuer for those caught in despair
A Chastiser of the evil
A Discipliner of the lawless
A Healer to those inflicted with pain
A Champion for those seeking justice
A Hero to the righteous
A Subduer of the wicked
A Protector of the innocent
A Leader to the loyal
A Commander to the selected
A General to the just
A Guardian of the children
A Lifter to the overburdened
A Son to the childless widow
An Upholder of holiness
A Voice of the truth
A Hope for the Hopeless
A Bringer of rest to the weary
A Power for the weak
An Escape for the trapped
A Joy for the grieving
A Sight for the blind
A Destination for the seeker
A Treasure for the poor
A Savior for all mankind
The Lord
The King
The Only God
And this; just a meager testimony to the vastness of the Lord...
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Sunday, January 3, 2010
You are not even an atom, so SHUT UP!
You will NEVER find proof of God's existence while you openly reject and refuse Him. It just won't happen. Who thinks that by saying how much they hate and reject God that they will be able to find Him? What wall do you think you can build without laying down bricks and mortar? When you hate and deliberately reject God, He is not going to reveal anything to you. You are free to believe or disbelieve Him, but you have no right to make demands of Him.
One thing I always hear people, who deliberately reject the Lord, say is “prove to me that God exists”. There are so many reasons why this saying is so foolish. It's almost like they expect God to suddenly appear before them and do a back flip. First I want to ask these people, who exactly are you to think you can order a being, (infinitely more superior than yourself), to do parlor tricks. How is it you purposely and stubbornly reject God's voice but you expect Him to talk to you? Not even people you know would do this for you. For example, how many of you honestly think that if you run on the White House lawn and order the president to do a moonwalk, that he'll come out and dance the Billy Jean? No one right? Exactly! Most likely you'll just get the tar beaten out of you by security. Now how much less do you think God will do? The Great Creator of all the Universe and existence isn't your personal entertainer. Men aren't even worthy enough to reference God's very name, yet we expect Him to throw Frisbee with people who deny He even exists.
Needless to say it's comical for someone to demand God for proof when they don't even have the basic faith or knowledge of the Lord in the first place. This is like someone demanding to be taught Rocket Science, when they don't even know what 2 + 2 equals! And to demand that others prove to you that God exists is even dumber than asking the Lord Himself to prove it. Should we also teach blind people how to see? I've been a Christian for 9 years now and I am still learning more about the Lord. There are men who are prophets and hear the Lord's voice directly, yet even they are finding out something new from God daily. First have faith in the Lord and trust Him, then you will increase.
The other popular exclamation people say is “show me evidence that God exists”. For this we don't even need a spiritual shock but instead only have to look in how the Bible mentions historical upheavals to full accuracy. Peoples from the Hebrews, the Persians, the Babylonians, Greeks, and even the Romans are all talked about in direct time-line. Then there's also the archaeological discoveries of many of the sites and clashes of the ancient Torah (Old Testament). They've uncovered what appears to be the original Ark on Mount Ararat. There were some people who actually went inside and saw the animal storage quarters. Finally there's also the way that many records from the Torah coincide with records of other cultures, such as the story of the great flood. Both the ancient Sumerians and even Walum Olum tribe of the Americas both spoke of the same events told in the book of Genesis.
I know there are some people who don't hate the Lord or aggressively reject Him, but they only have trouble with how it came about. Some of us wonder where did God come from. This is a big concept at times because God is the only being that was NEVER created. He was always there in the beginning and the end. As for Jesus Christ the Son---Lord Jesus was with God since the beginning. The Son was always one with the Father. The thing about God is He exists differently from man. Man exists with body, a soul, and a spirit. God exists as the Son, the Father, and the Holy Ghost. God is the only self-sustaining being anywhere. He has perfect communion in Himself. The reason some people have trouble grasping such a concept as God is because they only see things through their eyes. Let's all realize that just because we only know what things look like from our perspective that doesn't mean other perspectives don't exists. Think of some aquatic life which sees things only through sonar and echolocation. They don't see things in color spectrum like we do. They have to voice feel their way around and in their environment, it actually works better in their environment than our form of seeing. Think also of water worms that if they were to be cut in two, they would separate and form two separate bodies. They can be cut where the tail would form a head and a head would grow it's tail back, but still one worm would become two. How do we as humans grasp what existence is like for other creatures on the earth? Because we can't determine how to feel what existence is like for creatures who are unlike us in every way, that doesn't mean that they do not exist.
Now with those things in mind, take the concept of God Almighty who is not a creature but a CREATOR. How can we have the audacity to judge whether or not God exists simply by our own standards? Just like we can't judge the existence of microscopic life and bacteria based on our standards of life, we can't do the same to God. As a matter of fact as bacterial life are to us humans, so to it are we humans compared to God. God is way beyond our thinking, life standards, existence, motives, strength, intelligence, wisdom, complexity, advancements, thought process, etc.
Think for a moment about that. How do microscopic and deep sea life know of human existence? They obviously don't have the brain capacity to understand what we are or how we live as human beings. And for the most part they have hardly ever seen us aside from the probes we send into the abyss. For the most part, all we look like to them are a bunch of bright lights and bubbling containers. Because they don't know anything about us doesn't mean we don't exist. The same goes for God. Even with all our technology, brilliant minds, and combined effort, we still cannot begin to grasp the extreme complexity of Him. We cannot being to grasp the shear power and infinite range God has. Like I said, we as the human race, are as bacteria compared to God---meager life forms with little power and understanding, trying to lasso something of immeasurable force. And whether you believe in the prophets of old or not, all the understanding we have of God Almighty actually came from God Himself! How's that for being put in our place?
To recollect with these thoughts, we must say it was very kind of God to actually come in the flesh (as Jesus Christ) and mingle with mankind. This also helps to serve as a testament to the complexity of God. Whereas God is willing to be as a man while at the same time having complete control over the universe and all created things. This is a testament of the scope of God. He is a concept greater than any wonder we know of in deep space and in the deep sea.
We also need to take a look at the concept of creation when we think of how God was always around. See God made all that we know which was created. The very thought of creation and making was His plan. He exists outside of creation. Even the stars had their start and ending from some point. But God however never began or ended. Why? because He made creation. He is not subject to being made or having an ending or a beginning. He set even Time itself in motion. Time is an infinite thing, yet even time was created and set by God. Everything has the Lord's signature.
Other opponents think they can reject God because He doesn't give them everything they want or that He is too “commanding”. Well for this, the explanation is that God is the only one who has the right to command and demand (due to the fact He created everything). And as for Him not giving you everything you want, He doesn't have to. God is not a genie. The God of Abraham is not like the gods you read about in mythology class. He isn't something that does the bidding of someone who just did a ritual ceremony. The God of Abraham (The Real God) is as a Father. What father you know takes orders from his children? Fathers do however protect their children. They give and nurture to their children. And the God of Abraham (The Real God) does exactly this. He isn't a genie, but He is a Father. And to those who become and act like His children, He does nurture. Not only does God the Father nurture His children, He also reveals more of Himself to them. He has the right to command everything and He has the right to chastise, but He also loves those who obey Him. God is dominate but He also loves. Sometime you hear stories of fathers who pick up their children and carry them to safety at their own peril. Other times there are more extreme cases when fathers got killed by diving in front of bullets to save their sons who got involved with gangs. God did exactly these things, except for the entire human race. There was someone called Jesus Christ (God the Son) 2000 years ago, who dove in front of a bullet so that all of us don't have to fall into hell. The only difference was that in this particular story, this Father got tortured to death on a cross instead of a quick death by a bullet.
But the fact of the matter is this. God still gives you some rights. And that is the right to choose. You can either choose to be one of His children or you can deny Him and put all trust in yourself. But if you chose the later, then you can't expect God to reveal Himself to you or to protect you.
The same goes for us Christians and people who do believe in God. How long can we chose to listen to ourselves and expect the Lord's face to go before us. How long can we chose to be live Godless and expect to be the Lord's children? We as Christians are His trees and a tree must bear fruit for it to be useful. Otherwise what good is a useless tree than to be cut down and burned or to be used as compost? As children of the Lord we must listen, obey, and follow. If you are a Christian and you hear the Lord talking to you through this, then it is time to take up your cross daily once again and follow Him. The time to be cold or lukewarm is over.
One thing I always hear people, who deliberately reject the Lord, say is “prove to me that God exists”. There are so many reasons why this saying is so foolish. It's almost like they expect God to suddenly appear before them and do a back flip. First I want to ask these people, who exactly are you to think you can order a being, (infinitely more superior than yourself), to do parlor tricks. How is it you purposely and stubbornly reject God's voice but you expect Him to talk to you? Not even people you know would do this for you. For example, how many of you honestly think that if you run on the White House lawn and order the president to do a moonwalk, that he'll come out and dance the Billy Jean? No one right? Exactly! Most likely you'll just get the tar beaten out of you by security. Now how much less do you think God will do? The Great Creator of all the Universe and existence isn't your personal entertainer. Men aren't even worthy enough to reference God's very name, yet we expect Him to throw Frisbee with people who deny He even exists.
Needless to say it's comical for someone to demand God for proof when they don't even have the basic faith or knowledge of the Lord in the first place. This is like someone demanding to be taught Rocket Science, when they don't even know what 2 + 2 equals! And to demand that others prove to you that God exists is even dumber than asking the Lord Himself to prove it. Should we also teach blind people how to see? I've been a Christian for 9 years now and I am still learning more about the Lord. There are men who are prophets and hear the Lord's voice directly, yet even they are finding out something new from God daily. First have faith in the Lord and trust Him, then you will increase.
The other popular exclamation people say is “show me evidence that God exists”. For this we don't even need a spiritual shock but instead only have to look in how the Bible mentions historical upheavals to full accuracy. Peoples from the Hebrews, the Persians, the Babylonians, Greeks, and even the Romans are all talked about in direct time-line. Then there's also the archaeological discoveries of many of the sites and clashes of the ancient Torah (Old Testament). They've uncovered what appears to be the original Ark on Mount Ararat. There were some people who actually went inside and saw the animal storage quarters. Finally there's also the way that many records from the Torah coincide with records of other cultures, such as the story of the great flood. Both the ancient Sumerians and even Walum Olum tribe of the Americas both spoke of the same events told in the book of Genesis.
I know there are some people who don't hate the Lord or aggressively reject Him, but they only have trouble with how it came about. Some of us wonder where did God come from. This is a big concept at times because God is the only being that was NEVER created. He was always there in the beginning and the end. As for Jesus Christ the Son---Lord Jesus was with God since the beginning. The Son was always one with the Father. The thing about God is He exists differently from man. Man exists with body, a soul, and a spirit. God exists as the Son, the Father, and the Holy Ghost. God is the only self-sustaining being anywhere. He has perfect communion in Himself. The reason some people have trouble grasping such a concept as God is because they only see things through their eyes. Let's all realize that just because we only know what things look like from our perspective that doesn't mean other perspectives don't exists. Think of some aquatic life which sees things only through sonar and echolocation. They don't see things in color spectrum like we do. They have to voice feel their way around and in their environment, it actually works better in their environment than our form of seeing. Think also of water worms that if they were to be cut in two, they would separate and form two separate bodies. They can be cut where the tail would form a head and a head would grow it's tail back, but still one worm would become two. How do we as humans grasp what existence is like for other creatures on the earth? Because we can't determine how to feel what existence is like for creatures who are unlike us in every way, that doesn't mean that they do not exist.
Now with those things in mind, take the concept of God Almighty who is not a creature but a CREATOR. How can we have the audacity to judge whether or not God exists simply by our own standards? Just like we can't judge the existence of microscopic life and bacteria based on our standards of life, we can't do the same to God. As a matter of fact as bacterial life are to us humans, so to it are we humans compared to God. God is way beyond our thinking, life standards, existence, motives, strength, intelligence, wisdom, complexity, advancements, thought process, etc.
Think for a moment about that. How do microscopic and deep sea life know of human existence? They obviously don't have the brain capacity to understand what we are or how we live as human beings. And for the most part they have hardly ever seen us aside from the probes we send into the abyss. For the most part, all we look like to them are a bunch of bright lights and bubbling containers. Because they don't know anything about us doesn't mean we don't exist. The same goes for God. Even with all our technology, brilliant minds, and combined effort, we still cannot begin to grasp the extreme complexity of Him. We cannot being to grasp the shear power and infinite range God has. Like I said, we as the human race, are as bacteria compared to God---meager life forms with little power and understanding, trying to lasso something of immeasurable force. And whether you believe in the prophets of old or not, all the understanding we have of God Almighty actually came from God Himself! How's that for being put in our place?
To recollect with these thoughts, we must say it was very kind of God to actually come in the flesh (as Jesus Christ) and mingle with mankind. This also helps to serve as a testament to the complexity of God. Whereas God is willing to be as a man while at the same time having complete control over the universe and all created things. This is a testament of the scope of God. He is a concept greater than any wonder we know of in deep space and in the deep sea.
We also need to take a look at the concept of creation when we think of how God was always around. See God made all that we know which was created. The very thought of creation and making was His plan. He exists outside of creation. Even the stars had their start and ending from some point. But God however never began or ended. Why? because He made creation. He is not subject to being made or having an ending or a beginning. He set even Time itself in motion. Time is an infinite thing, yet even time was created and set by God. Everything has the Lord's signature.
Other opponents think they can reject God because He doesn't give them everything they want or that He is too “commanding”. Well for this, the explanation is that God is the only one who has the right to command and demand (due to the fact He created everything). And as for Him not giving you everything you want, He doesn't have to. God is not a genie. The God of Abraham is not like the gods you read about in mythology class. He isn't something that does the bidding of someone who just did a ritual ceremony. The God of Abraham (The Real God) is as a Father. What father you know takes orders from his children? Fathers do however protect their children. They give and nurture to their children. And the God of Abraham (The Real God) does exactly this. He isn't a genie, but He is a Father. And to those who become and act like His children, He does nurture. Not only does God the Father nurture His children, He also reveals more of Himself to them. He has the right to command everything and He has the right to chastise, but He also loves those who obey Him. God is dominate but He also loves. Sometime you hear stories of fathers who pick up their children and carry them to safety at their own peril. Other times there are more extreme cases when fathers got killed by diving in front of bullets to save their sons who got involved with gangs. God did exactly these things, except for the entire human race. There was someone called Jesus Christ (God the Son) 2000 years ago, who dove in front of a bullet so that all of us don't have to fall into hell. The only difference was that in this particular story, this Father got tortured to death on a cross instead of a quick death by a bullet.
But the fact of the matter is this. God still gives you some rights. And that is the right to choose. You can either choose to be one of His children or you can deny Him and put all trust in yourself. But if you chose the later, then you can't expect God to reveal Himself to you or to protect you.
The same goes for us Christians and people who do believe in God. How long can we chose to listen to ourselves and expect the Lord's face to go before us. How long can we chose to be live Godless and expect to be the Lord's children? We as Christians are His trees and a tree must bear fruit for it to be useful. Otherwise what good is a useless tree than to be cut down and burned or to be used as compost? As children of the Lord we must listen, obey, and follow. If you are a Christian and you hear the Lord talking to you through this, then it is time to take up your cross daily once again and follow Him. The time to be cold or lukewarm is over.
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