Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Christian must bear fruit

One of the requirements the Lord set forth for us and one of the reasons we were chosen by the Lord is so that we could bear fruit. During His time on earth, Jesus Christ went to a fig tree for food. When He saw that the tree was baron, He said “May no fruit grow on you again” and it thus withered and died. To avoid the fate of that fig tree we should bear fruit for the Lord daily in anyway we can. It is said that you will know the tree by it's fruit and if a tree is leafless and bare, then it's definitely not a tree you would want to keep in your yard. A tree like that just gets chopped up and used as firewood. We grow in the Lord's yard and heaven is an eternally fertile place. Because of this we should always be fertile with our works for the Lord.

There are many ways Christians can be fruitful. I'm not saying do things towards your own glory or to just make yourself feel better, because then you are doing things for your own pride. Rather you should do things for the Lord's glory. Some do charity to glorify God, some spread the gospel, some talk about Christ with others, some lead others to Christ, some pray and intercede, some write about the Lord, some preach the gospel,---the fruit for God's glory is a potpourri of things. Just as fruit comes in all shapes and sizes, what we do for the Lord can be a multitude of things to His honor. The Lord set you aside since birth to be a fruit bearing tree in this world. The world may not see the Lord, but it will see you; the fruit bearing tree. When the world sees you as a testament of what the Lord is about, then the world will follow suit and turn their hearts unto Christ.

In order to bear fruit we must deny ourselves daily, take up our cross, and follow the Lord. This means we must put the Lord first before ourselves. We must wake with the eagerness and mentality of what the Lord wants today, not the mentality of when do we go clubbing or when do we get paid. Love the Lord with all your strength, not half of your strength. Put God first in your life. Once we have our minds focused on God, then bearing the fruit of His kingdom will come easy.

If we can't work for God then we are useless. When Jesus returns He said He wants to see His servants working. He used the parable of the workers field where one of the workers felt that his master was delaying his return. When the master returned unexpectedly, the disobedient worker was beat with many lashes. However the obedient workers who were seen continuing with their work and producing good fruit was rewarded highly.

You will know the tree by it's fruit. A bad tree cannot bear good fruit and a good tree cannot bear bad fruit. The things we produce everyday for God's Kingdom must be Godly and holy. Turn your hearts to Jesus Christ and be holy, then your fruit will be plentiful and holy too. So tonight, ask yourself, “Did I do everything I could for God today?” and when you wake up in the day also ask yourself “What can I do for God today? God in Jesus Christ give me the strength to do your will today”. If a man knows something is right and does not do it, it is a sin.

My Lord as this day and every day begins, give me the strength to do your will. Let your will be triumphant in my life over my own will. Give me the strength to do your work this day and let me not put my own selfish desires before your tasks at hand. Turn my heart unto you this day so that I keep you paramount in my thoughts and focus. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, AMEN.


  1. love this.. this word was so speaking into my heart this past week..thank u so glad i searched it.:)

  2. since it is nice i will copy this and share of my flock....thank you...God bless you.
