Monday, June 8, 2009

If you never knew a lot about Jesus Christ: Read this NOW

As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love.
John 15: 9

I want everyone who doesn't know about Jesus Christ or God to understand something. Jesus Christ LOVES you. Even though no one has taught you about Him yet or that no one has explained the Lord to you; Jesus Christ still loves you. Not only that, but Jesus Christ also believes in you, even if no one has told you to believe in Him yet. Even though all your friends and family have at one time betrayed you or forsake you, God has always been in love with you. If you have an addiction that you turned to because life got you down so hard, God wants to free you from it. If you were addicted to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, violence, pornography, fornication, homosexuality or anything else; God has authority over all your sins and can clean them from your record forever. Even if you used to worship the devil, God still loves you and wants to break you free from satan's filthy hands. For even the devil know Jesus Christ is Lord and that God has all the power!

God knew you since before you were born in the womb. He knew everything you went through in your life. He saw what happened when those people messed with you, or how family and friends betray you, or when you suffered in pain from those addictions. He knows you better than you know yourself. Every moment, even when you are sleeping, God is watching you and looking out for you.

Don't worry how shameful, harsh of silly you think your crimes are, God wants to free you from it right this moment. No matter what evil you have done or how often you have done this evil, God right now is willing to forgive you. No matter how terrible the abuse you went through was, He's going to heal you from it.

I know some of you have had violence done against you. Many of you might have gone through abuse or prejudice or rejection. Some of you might have had people look down on you as unimportant. But right now I want you to know, that God sees you as more valuable than gold and silver. You are more valuable than any precious gem in the world to God. This is a fact. I'll tell you why, because the very Son of God, Jesus Christ, was willing to die for you. That sin you have in your hand or on your body or what you do every night, Jesus Christ can free you from because He triumphed over all sin.

Let me tell you about Jesus Christ for a moment as well. Ever since the first man, God has promised us that there will come one who would free us all from our evils. Jesus Christ was not just a prophet, He was the Son of God Himself. He was God come in the flesh. If you ever imagined what God would be like as a human being, you should take a look at Jesus Christ. Remember that song “What if God was one of us”? Well God was in fact one of us 2000 years ago and His name was Jesus Christ. But unlike all of us, Jesus Christ lived perfectly without any sin and He had power beyond all men. Call Him a superman if you want. When legions of demons saw Jesus Christ, they all got terrified of Him. When storms were getting wild, Jesus Christ told the storm to be still and it cleared. Even when people were dead for days and started to smell, Jesus Christ told them to rise and they rose. The sick, the incurable, the broken, the lame....all of them were healed by Jesus Christ.

This was the love God had for you. That His pure and innocent Son was sent to you. Even when Jesus Christ was the only man to ever live perfectly, He still died for any sin or crime you did. Imagine you are about to go to the electric chair and suddenly the warden tells you: “Hey you, you're free to go. Someone has just said they will go in your place”. This is what Jesus Christ did 2000 years ago, so you can live and get into heaven. God didn't want to see you go to hell or see those people abuse you. He wants to see you set free.

Don't listen to what the TV, theologists, or militant atheists have told you about God. They never knew Him. Don't listen to what those people who abused you told you, they are all liars. Don't even listen to what the devil told you, because he knows that his time is short and God is coming to get him soon. Listen only to God. God Himself wants to tell you about Himself. And if you can't understand everything in one day, don't worry because the Lord will make you grow in His Word. I know because He made me grow in His Word too. God helped me to understand things I never ever knew. And the Lord wants to reveal things to you too.

Pray with me this moment...
Dear Lord, I have tried everything, people have come up short for me, and I am sinking in my troubles. Jesus come and free me from all this. I want to know more about You. I want to come close to You. I need Your help. Please fill my heart with You. Break me free from these chains and lift me up. Teach me my king and liberate me from the lies that I've been taught in the past. Please take me, Jesus Christ, and make me one of your children. I ask for forgiveness and I ask for your freedom. Make me a new person in You. In the name of Jesus Christ, AMEN.

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