Saturday, January 31, 2009

God is God and therefore does what He wants

I've seen clips of everyone from modern theologists, atheists and even Oprah herself speak of God negatively because of the phrase "I am a jealous God". One of the reasons this happens is because these days we have a wrong concept of the Lord's face. We have to understand that God is not a genie or a private in our army. We are the created beings; not God. God doesn't have to grant our own private wishes of money, fame, or prestige. God is the one who commands us. A good servant is someone who does the Lord's tasks. And one thing the Lord has a right to, is to be the only God in our eyes who is worshiped.

The same God that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah is the same God who lost His Son for the sake of mankind's safety. God is called a "Father" for a reason. As a father disciplines his son while at the same time defending his son from the neighborhood bullies; that is what God is like. No matter what we worship or where we look, God is the creator, protector and redeemer of everyman. So if we were to bow to statues of Zeus or Odin, we break the Lord's heart, just like a woman who cheats on her husband. No statue or gold idol is worthy of praise. Those things didn't create anything for they themselves were sculpted by men.

The Hebrews were God's chosen people and He blessed them with oracles, land, kingdoms, and victory over rival thrones. But when the Hebrews started worshiping heathen gods and started sacrificing their children to these idols, the Real God punished them. God warned them how He was jealous and the true creator and savior of them all, but they wouldn't listen. They still became like the very Canaanites, Babylonians, and Egyptians that once tried to kill them. They still burned their children alive to the pagan statues when God warned them not too. So like a father, God punished them with slavery and/or poverty.

God is in command and judges the fate of nations

God choses what goes to who. So if He wants the Jews to win on Saturday and the Pagans to win on Thursday, He can do so. He created both peoples: those who know His Name and those who do not know His Name. Remember God let the Babylonians enslave His own chosen Hebrews. And when the good Lord wanted His chosen people to be freed, He chose the Persians to free them. But that didn't mean the Persians were invincible, for the Persians were defeated by the Greeks on many occasions. But this did not mean the Greeks were invincible because they later were conquered by the Romans. But even the mighty Roman empire's fate was in the hands of the Lord because later they were nearly conquered by the Huns and eventually defeated by the Goths. So as an American I am very careful to thank the Lord for my nation's abundance. I don't thank the strength of our own arm.

I once had the displeasure of talking to a very vain atheist. The thing is, this man was very rich while all my jobs generally paid meagerly. However I never once questioned the Lord on why He would let a Godless man get so much abundance while I lived in a sinkhole with chump change. I knew it was in the Lord's decision to give this man much fortune and to let me live modestly. I knew it wasn't up to me to question God's judgments, but only to pray for people like the man.

I knew what my place was in God's eyes, and that was the position of a servant; not the master.

God choses to strive with us as well

When Christ went to the cross on Calvary He knew He was going to suffer for all the evils we did. Yet He is also suffering this day for the evils we do now. When you are in the body of Christ, and you do stuff like drugs, drinking, and sleeping around with everyone; you in a way crucify Him anew. So when you snort cocaine, you are decaying the Lord's head. When you fornicate with a different person every night, you are using the Lord's body like that of a pimp or harlot. Why? Because those who are in Christ are the temple of God and a living sacrifice for Him. So don't desecrate the temple of the Lord.

Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If any man destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him, for the temple of God is holy, and that is what you are.

1 Corinthians 3:16

Yet the Lord will strive with man for only so long, but to us who keep His Commandments, He will be with us even until the end of time.

God bless you

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