Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Do not trust in Man, Trust in God

Yeah I know...we live in a media controlled generation. All of us, since we were kids have idolized sports athletes, celebrities, rock stars, musicians, and even politicians. We see their face on TV or being revered by others and we suddenly give them all our ear and attention. Their being viewed as god-like and we don't even know we're doing it. Don't believe me? Ask yourself for a moment: how much time did you spend dealing with God's things today and how much time did you spend listening to 50-Cent or watching pop idols?

What's bad is that because our society is so impressionable these days, we tend to copy and mimic everything our media figures do. For example, when we see rap stars wear their clothes 10 sizes too large; then our kids start wearing their clothes 10 sizes too large. When we see models and TV shows where the star acts haughty, vain, and self-bloated; pretty soon our women start acting haughty, vain, and self bloated. When we see Ellen Degeneres and Rosie O'Donnell support gay marriage; then we end up supporting gay marriage. I remember talking to one young man who listened to a lot of satanist rock---he thought he was the dark lord of death. But it goes deeper because, as we are impressionable to the media figure's looks, we also become impressionable to the media figure's ideas. So when 60s rock stars got into the New Age movement their fans also got into the new age as well. They figured if John Lennon was getting into the spiritual guru thing, then maybe that was the cool thing to do. When celebrities of the 60s and 70s got into drugs, pretty soon their fans also got into drugs. We saw so much credibility to these media figures that we ended up following them over the cliff.

God brought us to be out of the world; not of the world. So if we follow the world's icons then what are we? We should not do things just because a pretty face on TV says it's ok and we see 70 of our friends do it as well. That's just the blind leading the blind into a ditch. We hear these media figures talk about the afterlife or how to live your lifestyles and we end up following them because it sounds appealing to our flesh. Then once we approach the end of our life we suddenly start crossing our fingers and hoping that Oprah Winfrey was right. Because we know that if Oprah was wrong and that Jesus Christ really was the only way, then we won't like where we end up after we're dead. For once let's turn off the TV and start listening to what God wants us to do. Stop watching Creflo Dollar and the other prosperity preachers and seek God out by falling to your knees and reading His commandments. Who cares what Tyra Banks says?! She won't pay your bills or heal your sick family member or get your son off of drugs. It's God who wants to really help you.

This is why I don't believe in mentoring anyone because then the person I mentor will try to fit himself in my mold. I don't want him to make himself like me. I'd rather he would fit himself into the mold of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was the only man who was perfection. I'm dependent on Jesus Christ just like anyone else reading this is! I'm no one special. Everyone should be mentored by Jesus Christ, not by other men.

STOP LISTENING TO MAN! STOP LISTENING TO YOUR DESIRE! A man is like you, no matter how rich he is. Man doesn't know all truths. God on the other hand knows all truths. God knows exactly how many stars there are in the Universe. God will ALWAYS tell you the truth, no matter how difficult or easy it is. God tells you the truth to help you. God isn't like these media figures. God doesn't want to sugar coat things so that you can buy His records or vote for Him in the next election. LISTEN TO GOD!

And God right now is telling you that you are not a material girl as the TV told you. You are not a playboy. You are not a thug or a gangster. You are not a vampire. What you really are is one of His children. And as one of God's children, He wants you to follow Him; not the world. His Son Jesus Christ is talking, give Him ear and grow greatly. “While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him. Matthew 17-5”

Lord the world is deceived and beguiled by their fellow man.
We foolishly put our trust in man and hope that other men
can lead us to truth. Lord it says in your commandments to
render every man a liar. God let us not put our trust in men
of any stature or status in this world. Instead show us to put
full trust in you. For how is a man no less made of dust than
the next one? You have taught us plainly, O'Lord that when
the blind lead the blind, they both fall into the ditch. God we
need true guidance in our lives. Please lead us instead of
man. For you have sight of all things. You know just how
far the east is from the west. Guide us O'Lord in every endeavor
we embark on. We believe that with your all knowing sight
you can lead us where you want us to be in greener pastures.
Let us neither rely on ourselves too. For we sometimes lie to
ourself and even cheat our own knowledge. We do not want to
lean on our own understanding, because we know that our
understanding is limited. Instead O' King of Heaven, let us
trust in your Will and your wisdom. For your will is perfect
and not like the limited wisdom of man. We may not know
everything of your will thy God, but we still trust it because it is
perfect like you are perfect. Most of all O' God of Heaven give
us wisdom and let your will be done in our lives every single day.
Let your path be the road we follow. You have told us it is in your
pleasure to give to your children. And for this we humble thank
thee for your mercy and kindness and outpouring of love and
sympathy to us all. We thank you greatly and praise your name
for these fruits.

In the name of the Son Jesus Christ, Amen.


  1. I have to agree, I have wasted the majority of my life trying to follow others. Instead I should have been following God himself. I feel ashamed of this idolatry
    I have commited and for once and for all I and going to
    stop following man and follow God. God is the only one
    who can solve all of my problems. Man will always forsake
    me and leave me but God will never forsake or leave me.

  2. WOW!!! Thank You so much for putting this out there! I was Google searching bible verses on not putting your trust in man and this was one of the results! I'm so glad I read this! these are all of the things that I've really been realizing lately. My hearts cry is to be like Jesus, because that's all that matters. I'm so sick of how obsessed people are with THINGS these days. We brought nothing into this world and we can take nothing with us when we leave! It's all useless, except for the Word of God! And every time you put your trust in a human being instead of God you will be let down. Man cannot satisfy man. I've had to learn that the hard way so many times. :) More people NEED to read this and realize the truth! That is my prayer. We need to love one another, but be careful not to put each other before our Father. Thanks Again, Dorothy.
