Friday, May 15, 2009

Prefer meekness over vain pride and self-glory

Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth; so said the Lord. The Lord loves a humble heart. A heart that doesn't do deeds in order to seek glory unto itself, but rather the heart that does good for the glory of God and towards the help of others. God knows the desires of every man's heart, so there is no hiding your true motives from Him. He knows whether you do things towards His kingdom or towards your own ego.

The kingdom of heaven was described by Jesus as a mustard seed. He said the mustard seed is the smallest and perhaps the least desired of herb seeds. However Jesus Christ went on to say that the mustard seed soon grows large, vast and even becomes a tree. That mustard tree, which was once an undesirable seed soon becomes a spot that the birds of the air see as pleasing and shelter there. This is how the kingdom of heaven works. When some one sees or pursues Godliness or holiness, he is seen as meager and strange to the world. If you were to offer an average person whether to follow Christ or have a millionaire's mansion and fame, most likely he would chose the millionaire's mansion and fame. Why? Because the path of Christ is hard and full of devotion. This turns most people off, who would rather pursue their own flesh and the world. The world usually throws away the small mustard seed that is the kingdom of heaven because they only see what it is now and not what it is about to become. But look at what that little seed became! It grew into a large firm tree that housed the birds. We don't see the Kingdom of Heaven as much at the moment, but just watch when the Son returns and establishes His rule. As that small seed looked compared to what it looked like when it became a massive tree, so it will be like the Kingdom of Heaven displayed in it's glory.

This is also the destiny of you who keep His commandments and Word in your heart. For the Holy Spirit dwells in you and you will explode into greatness like that mustard seed. Even though the world saw you as meager and small, just wait till the Lord brings you up into His kingdom! My brethren, all your prayers and all your sacrifices for the Lord's sake will bloom into something glorious large and mighty. I understand a lot of you are poor and meager and sad, but when the Lord brings you to His rule, you will see much blooming. Most of which will be unlike anything you've ever saw before.

So do not pursue over things of the flesh or pleasures of this world which only last a moment. When you die will you be able to take your money, fame, filth or drugs with you? Or will they take you to hell? Things you own will end up owning you so don't put your trust into your wealth, fame, pleasure or other men. Trust instead the Lord. For God humbles the exalted and exalts the humbled. An exalted person only seeks to fill himself and seeks the temporary glory of himself. He can only fit inside of the mold he makes for himself. How can an exalted man give one measure to his stature or rescue himself from hell? On the other hand, those who pursue Christ are under constant learning and growing. They become a new creation day after day. They have a humble heart and undertake new lessons and grow in the Lord. They are held in the Lord's hands.

Give praise to the Lord for the glory He wants to share with His people. Thank Him all the time for His sacrifices and the pain He went through for us all. For Jesus Christ did not just go to the cross for Himself, but He went there to pull all of you up into glory. It was a calling for all man to repent and come unto Him. His kingdom is massive and great. It surpasses anything we've seen in this world for we are about to see the fully grown mustard tree. And the best part about it, is God wants us all there.

If you have done something evil or wrong in God's eyes or even if you do not know the Lord yet, come right now and fall on your face. Ask for the Lord to come into your heart. Know Him right now where you are standing or sitting. God is calling you right this moment. He wants you to visit Him in His coming kingdom. He wants you to see all that glory in full bloom. He said that if you ask, you will be given for it is in His good pleasure to give to His children. I know you are saying “but I don't deserve this” or “but I'm not good enough”, my friends none of us were good enough or deserve His glory. We naturally didn't earn Heaven or deserve anything from Heaven. It is only because of the sacrifice of Lord Jesus that we have any opportunity now.

When the Lord traveled the earth and met everyone stricken with disease or demons, did He turn them away? NO, He welcomed them in His arms and healed them. So don't feel ashamed or think that Christ will reject you because you think you are too evil or that you waited too long to come to Him. He wants you with Him as we speak. My friends, get your name in that book of life so you can see Him in His glory.

Christ is the good shepherd and the good shepherd cares for His flock. His flock hearken to His voice. Hearken to His voice right now; repent and come to Him.

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