Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Pornography: Is this evil really as insurmountable as it looks?

Let me first just say that no matter how much pornography you have accumulated or how much you have become dependent on it, you can get rid of it all in a day if you wanted to. I speak from experience. Granted that pornography is a harder evil to quit than alcohol abuse, drugs, or smoking, but you would be surprised at just how rapidly the Holy Spirit can eradicate these evil strongholds in your life.

So there I am; grieved by how much footholds the enemy had in my life with pornography. There was so much collected from over the years from DVDs to magazines to over 900GB stored on a hard drive. It seemed like no matter where I walked there was one evil stronghold to keep me under. In light of seeing constant prophetic videos on how a person must remove all sin in their life in order to see the Lord's kingdom, it really demoralized me to have all these bonds dragging me down into hell.

It got so bad that at a time I would start making excuses to keep these evil things around. I would say “I'll just lock them up in a corner” or “I'll just keep them around so I don't have a desire to go out and get more, because I'll already have these”. Yet it clearly says if you right hand causes you to sin or transgress, then cut it off. It was clear what the Lord wanted. He wanted me to be holy as He is holy.

So there I stood looking at the lists of countless folders full of pornography on my hard drive---looking at all these things that have made me a slave to them for so long. Then I thought to myself, “You know what? It would be so easy. I can destroy all these today.” When the Lord said to us that He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world, He was serious. While I was rolling the mouse in my hand I alas said “It's time---I'm going to do it”. Withing a few minutes one of my life's greatest demonic strongholds went away like dust in the wind! I realized that all this time the Holy Spirit gave me more power in the 2 fingers I used to click “delete” with than all these demons had with the strongholds they set up in my life. Greater is He who is in me than He who is in the world....

You see your flesh is the enemy. Your flesh is what feeds off of stuff like pornography or the other strongholds that people have. This is why the Lord was telling us to deny ourself and take up the cross. He meant we had to reject the carnal hunger of our fleshy bodies in exchange for doing what the Lord wants in the spirit. In a nutshell what every human really is, is an eternal spirit housed inside of a temporary body. It is only logical that the eternal portion of a man be nurtured and advanced more than that of the temporary part.

Think, when classical builders made cathedrals and buildings, they didn't put more effort in the temporary wooden scaffoldings. They put all their effort and perfection into the making of the actual stone structures. The scaffoldings that they put around the building during construction time was just there to help build the actual construction itself. After the construction was done, the wooden scaffolds and platforms would be taken down.

And this is how a human being is. Once his mortal body withers away or dies, only his immortal soul and spirit will remain. The Lord will want to see the actual construction of your spirit in the time of judgment. He will want to see how well you constructed your eternal parts. God will not care about how well you fed the temporary wooden scaffolds that were your body. He will say your body has already withered away, so what have you done to build to the honor of My Glory and My Spirit? And as long as we are held under by pornography and other strongholds that feed our carnal flesh, we cannot build on our spirit to God.

The Ugly Side of Porn

Sometimes I only wish that people addicted to pornography actually saw the ugliness that goes on behind the curtain of pornography. If only they knew the truth, they would be turned off from it for good! Usually when we view these adult films we don't realize that many of these actresses were raped or abused as children. Somebody they trusted as a kid betrayed them and made them feel as though they were worthless or guilty. This is why when you hear about those abused child cases that they grow up with backward mental conditioning. Children are very impressionable and they digest information very deeply. So when someone with a perverted heart rapes or molests them, they end up having their mentality and soul shattered. It is perhaps one of the most awful things to do to a human being.

When they go into pornography it's like they've been duped into prostitution. According to former porn actress Shelly Luben, these movie shoots have drugs on demand. There's everything from Crystal Meth to Cocaine to Marijuana that they use to keep these actresses high and in tune. During these movies actresses might menstruate, defecate, or urinate during a scene. A former porn actress once said that a waste basket would be full of used cloths covered in the actresses blood or feces. But we people viewing these dirty films don't see that because all we want to see is the finished edited product.

A pornstar's life isn't one of constant pleasure. Usually they either have to get high or drunk to wear off the anxieties they experience. Some of them want to leave the business but see no way out and it depresses them. For the most part they are terrified of contracting HIV or AIDS---and many porn actresses have contracted these viruses. Imagine living in such insecurity and depression added to the nightmares of sexual abuse from the past---this is what these poor people have to go through. They are just seen as cashcows to the pornographers and objects to the viewers.

It pains me when I hear of how so many of these actresses and actors meet a tragic end. There was the story of one porn actress back in the mid 90s that got into a car accident that severely cut up her face. When she believed this would ruin her very livelihood, she killed herself with a gun. Probably the worst deaths of porn actresses happened when two women, I used to watch a lot when I was a teen, died around my birthday. The first one killed herself, like the previous one mentioned, by a self inflicted gunshot wound. The second actually was able to make it out of the porn industry but never the less died in a car accident. When I hear these stories I sometimes think, “did these women have a chance to repent, or to fall on their knees and cry out to Jesus for help”? Or did these poor women just kill themselves or die while in the midst of despair? Looks like to some of us now, porn isn't a laughing matter anymore!

Break Free

I ask you, the fellow viewer and purchaser of such films to consider these things before you indulge in this filth. We should send a message by not buying or financially supporting the makers of these films. We should not support the destruction of the lives of these women and girls. Whatever collection you already have should be deleted or burned. You don't need that stronghold in your life and despite what the enemy tells you, you can get rid of it cold turkey. All you need to do is one thing---come unto the Lord and ask Him for help and to deliver you. There is a way out and the door is open next to you.

The Lord Himself said, He came into the world not to condemn it but to save it. And He wants to save you right now from pornography. Jesus won't complain at how you took so long or how you only came to Him in trouble; Jesus will welcome you with open arms. All He wants it for you to come to Him. He will free you....

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