Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Why trust the predictions of the Mayan Calendar?

In the past few years since September 11th, many people have been abuzz about ancient fortunetellers and writings that claim to have predicted the end of the world. Lately everyone has suddenly flocked to this legend of the Mayan Calendar. According to this Mayan Calendar it predicts the world will end in 2012. Now there are several problems I have with this here. But my main problem is seeing other Christians listen and believe what this Mayan Calendar says. A Christian should know better because, in matters such as these, we are supposed to get our orders from the Lord only.

The thing about the predictions in the ancient Mayan Calendar was that the source where they got these predictions from was from everywhere EXCEPT the Holy Spirit. Which means that the Mayan high priests and astrologers who got their prophecies, got them from familiar spirits(veiled demons) whom they called their rain-gods or sun-gods.

There are a few things you can always be sure that a familiar spirit will do: It will lie to you, it will trick you, and it will usually be very intelligently cunning. And familiar spirits were usually the dictators to all these ancient pagan high priests, whether they were in ancient Egypt, Canaan, or the Mayan Empire.

There is a huge vast difference from getting your information from the right source; the Holy Ghost, and getting your information from the wrong source; familiar spirits. We have to understand, when we connect to the true Spirit of God (the Holy Spirit) we do it by things like prayer, fasting, faith, trust, obedience and love. However when the ancient Mayan priests wanted to connect to the spirit world, they would do so by human sacrifice or human blood offerings----and this is the source where many of you (some Christians included) are trusting in! The reason why so many people listen to these familiar spirits is because they give enough truth but just a little bit of lies to thus throw you far off course.

As Christians we should have no need for anything from a familiar spirit. There were a couple of apostles traveling and administering to far off lands. Along with them followed a girl who had a familiar spirit possessing her from inside. Everywhere these apostles went and everytime they were about to do something, this girl with the familiar spirit would predict their action. Finally one of the apostles got sick of it and ordered the familiar spirit to come out and get away from this little girl. Even though this unclean familiar spirit was predicting exactly who or what the apostles were, the apostles knew that as men of the Lord they had NO need of demons or devils for information. The apostles knew that although this familiar spirit in this poor girl had it's predictions correct, that pretty soon the familiar spirit was going to start to say faulty predictions in order to lead people around the apostles astray. And these apostles were wise men of the Lord and they weren't going to have satan's doctrine mixed in with the Lord's pure doctrine.

So if the Mayans are wrong then how will we know what will happen in 2012?

Jesus Christ once said that of the hour no man knows except for God Himself. So no man, angel or familiar spirit knows except for God. But never the less the good Lord has given plenty of forewarnings for us all in His word.

Here it is in a nutshell. Everyone is expecting for the world to suddenly blow up---it won't happen like that. But there will be wars, disasters, and destruction like which we have never seen before. In these times there will be many fake-Christs who rise up and will trick many; even some of the elect. And many have already risen up. When wars have wrecked the planet a fake-christ will rise up and offer peace. Because this fake-christ or antichrist will be able to make peace and even preform miracles, many people will start to trust him.

One of the most horrible things he will do is brand people with his mark, which is labeled in the Bible as being 666. Of course with today's technology such a feat can easily be done with micro-chipping or barcodes. Along with satellite surveillance, government registration, and GPS, monitoring people around the world can be relatively easy. This mark that this antichrist brands people with automatically make them his property. Once this happens those unfortunate enough to be deceived will be set up for hell. But people will trust him because he offers everyone a false sense of security with his branding. Plus no one without this mark will be able to buy or sell anymore. Commerce will be frozen without it.

Just when everyone trust this great deceiver the antichrist will alas show his true colors. This man will be far more evil than any tyrant in history. More than Nero, more than Hitler, more than Stalin, more than Kruschev, more than Bin Laden; this man will be responsible for, perhaps, billions dead. He will finally commit desolation by erecting a statue of himself in the Lord's temple.

This fake-christ will also be very arrogant. There will come a time where he will be able to lead the largest army in history against the Son of God Himself. You see during the return of the Real Christ, the fake-christ will think all his tanks and aircraft will be able to harm a spiritual being like Jesus. When this happens the antichrist or fake-christ gets taken and tossed into hell alive. As for his army, everyone who raised their rifle against the Lord in that area will be annihilated. There's actually a phrase in the Bible that says something to effect that the birds and vultures will get full from all the slain soldiers of the antichrist's army.

The thing is that this great army that the antichrist tries to bring against Jesus's return, all get slain by just Jesus Christ Himself. So apparently even though Jesus Christ has His own army of Heaven, He doesn't really need it to fight because He fights the entire battle singlehandedly! How's that for skill and power...

What should you do?

You and me must be vigilant for when this time comes. You have to work without ceasing for the Lord, because you want to be found doing the Lord's will when He comes. Confess Him to one more person, spread that one more word. That's how He knows His sheep. The time for being lukewarm or moderate is over. Put on the spiritual armor of God right this moment.

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