Saturday, May 9, 2009

When you are all out of power, God hasn't even started yet

Seeing from personal experience and the testimony of others I know many of us get either discouraged or weary in battle while we journey with God. It's like some mornings we wake up in pain and spiritually torn while in Christ. We sometimes feel as if we can't go another step while sojourning with God. We feel like we are at the end of our spiritual endurance---the endurance that helps us feel for others, to resist sin, or do the Lord's work. It's like we feel at any minute we are about to fall back into the world or backslide into our old selves. Well my friends it is at this time that God hasn't even started yet.

God's endurance is eternal and never ceasing. When we are at the end of ours, God is just getting ready to begin. And as our Father in Heaven it is in His great pleasure to give to us. So as His children, let us ask of Him. So that day when you are feeling at the end of your strength to endure, ask of God that He give you strength to keep going. Plea to Him that He give you the power to persevere and stride onward and onward. I myself barely last one day before I feel like I'm about to backslide or can't go on. It is then I that I pray that the Lord give me strength to go on to do His will. Even Jesus Christ Himself, as He walked the earth, went up in the morning times to pray for strength from His Father.

We must never conform to this world or let our thoughts fall to it. We must keep our minds and actions in coordination to what Jesus Christ wants them to be like. We can do this by nurturing off of the Spirit of God and asking Him to fill us daily to do His will. So as the Lord stays in, it will help to block out all other wrong alternatives.

Dear Lord, search our hearts daily and purify ourselves to how You want us.

Let not our will be done in every day of our lives, but instead let Your flawless

will be done. Fill us daily with the Holy Spirit who gives us inner comfort and

let us sojourn on as you see fit. May we never backslide into our old selves

but rather reform us to perfection as the Lord Himself is perfect. Give us

strength from day to day to press on in our walk with You O' Lord for good.

In the name of the Son Jesus Christ, Amen.

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