Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Why is God willing to do all that work for just 1 guy?

Why is God, who is so grand and magnificent, want to get into a relationship with a common man? Why is God, who is so perfect, un-defiled and pure, want to be punished for the crimes of a man who is filthy with evils. And lastly why is God so happy when just one man repents of his evils and turns away from his crimes to pursue God?

Well God is a consuming fire. He is all powerful, almighty, invincible and the only self-sustaining being anywhere. The palm of his hand expands the very size of the Universe itself. He knows what goes on every second, in every place, of every year of history. But one thing is also well known to be is a loving and forgiving God. I want everyone to know that the same God which made all things created, and who's very name all the demons in hell are scared to transgress against, is the same God who sacrificed Himself(the Son) for our sake.

Let me share with you all something strange that happened to me while walking on South Orange Avenue in Newark. I noticed there were a bunch of wholesome well dressed people walking in a group around the more rundown area of Newark. It seemed odd to me because they looked more like they were from Idaho or Wyoming, rather than the inner city of New Jersey. When I went to passed by them one of them came up and offered me a pamphlet. They said that they were part of a Christian group who was inviting people to come for a worship service they were having. I was going to be off from work for the next few days and I decided to go check it out with them.

As night drove on I finally found the place in a few towns over. At first I thought I was either too late or had the wrong building because I realized that I was the only one there. So as I waited, I saw their van pull up full of those people who were passing out the fliers earlier in my city. As I looked at them while they pulled up, I saw all of them smiling at me through the window. Apparently they were happy that I showed up even though I was the only person! But I was puzzled for a moment. Why would they so happy? I mean I was the only person who showed up out of the perhaps hundreds of fliers they passed out earlier. Then I realized, they were happy that, despite the hundreds of invitations they passed out, that one person was able to make it. So to them it was all a success because they got someone to join them in worship, in celebration, in repentance, and in fellowship of the Lord. Thus it was a victory because they were able to harvest something; to bring someone away from this world and closer to God.

Jesus Christ once said in the gospels that He is like a man who loses one coin and searches vigorously for that one coin. And when He finds that one coin, He rejoices greatly over recovering it. That coin is is you the individual person reading this message right now! You may have back-slided back into sin or addiction, but the Lord right now is searching vigorously for you. He's looking under all the furniture and cabinets for you and where you rolled off to. The Lord is looking for you right now so He can bring you back and rejoice that He has you again.

God knows your voice. He also knows when your voice is absent from the crowd. When the Lord hears the prayers and songs of His children, He will say, “It sounds a little different today, where are you in the crowd?” To any human being a crowd of cheers all sounds the same, but to God, He knows the sound of every single person in that crowd.

Before the doors close, Jesus Christ is calling out everyone to repent and come unto Him these last days. He won't reject you because you feel that you are too evil to come to Him. He won't reject you because you took to long to come to Him. For the Lord is like the father of the prodigal son. The prodigal son went out to live up his life and world's riches. When it was all said and done, the son was broke, poor, shattered, dirty and smelled like the pigs. He knew that he had nothing left but to return unto his father. When his father saw him come back to him, the father ran out to embrace him in joy. The father didn't care how dirty or poor his son ended up being, he was glad to have his son back. This is how the Lord looks to mankind. Just drop everything what you are doing and come into repentance and come back to the Lord right now.

God I know that I have sinned and transgressed in your eye. My Lord I pray
that you forgive me and take me back under your wing. Wash me clean in the
blood of Jesus Christ and make me a new person. Make me one of your children
again. May I follow you everyday and please be with me O'Lord for I need you
more than the very air that I breathe. I know that without you I am nothing. But
with you I can overcome anything in Christ Jesus. I thank you and love you for
your generosity and mercy, my perfect and flawless God in Heaven.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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